
The Goathouse Refuge has many incredible cats in need of loving homes.

Behind the Scene

Special Stories of Special Cats Your Support Helps


Tax deductible donations and gifts of goods to help run the refuge are always welcome.

Welcome to the Goathouse Refuge Blog

What better way to welcome you to our new blog that with our resident “welcoming committee kitties,” Tom & Jerry. You can’t visit the Goathouse Refuge without being given the grand tour by these guys. Before learning their names, my sister and I referred to Tom (pictured above) as Welcoming Kitty and to Jerry (below) as Pretty Eyes (with that “eyeliner” we incorrectly assumed he was a she).

It is no wonder that these guys do the honor of showing guests around. They were a part of the founding group of kitties. They came all the way from New York, where they were a part of an 18-kitty colony. Their owner became very ill and agreed to help the refuge build the fence that surrounds the 3-acres of land the cats call home, if we were to take the cats in when he passed away. We were all good to our words, and now Tom is here along with his siblings roaming around the land inside the fence the owner was nice enough to help pay for.

So, welcome–on behalf of Tom, Jerry, the many other cats at Goathouse Refuge as well as the people that support the refuge. We hope that you enjoy our new blog. We will use it to introduce you to the Goathouse cats, provide cat health tips from the vet tech and even review cat toys and furniture. Most importantly, we will use this blog to increase awareness and move towards solving the issue of homeless pets. We look forward to your feedback!

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