
The Goathouse Refuge has many incredible cats in need of loving homes.

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Happy Tails: Polly

Thanks so much to Karen and Steve for adopting Polly (formerly known as BabyBird or Baby) in July and for sending us this wonderful update this week. We are so happy that Polly now has a forever home where she is loved and adored. Karen and Steve are lucky to get to hear this sweet cat “chirp” everyday!

Karen writes:

Dear all,

I thought you might like to see some pictures of Polly (as we call BabyBird) in her new home. She’s adjusted very well, and the day after we got her, she started sleeping with us. She still likes to chirp and trill at us; we think she has her own little cat language. She doesn’t exactly wake us up in the morning, but she knows the sound of the alarm and what it means, so as soon it goes off she will be on the bed, trilling, rubbing, and awaiting attention and/or food.

She is not quite a lapcat, but she is very sweet and loves attention and being petted, and she will curl up and sleep next to me when I’m working at home. I have a feeling that she may grow into a lapcat when she gets older. She has also developed a playful streak (string is her favorite) and a bit of a housecat saunter. She will usually come when called, whether it’s for food or just to be fussed over. We discovered that she loves to knead with her feet, especially on soft surfaces or when she is happy.

She is evidently a younger kitty than we thought when we adopted her; the vet said she was maybe around two years old, and also that she had likely had a litter at some point early in her life. She has a few missing teeth, and, along with her clipped ear, that made me wonder about her life before she was rescued by the Refuge. Regardless, we love her dearly, and we are glad that the Refuge gave her a safe and loving place to stay, rescued her from her earlier life, and allowed us to meet and adopt her.


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