
The Goathouse Refuge has many incredible cats in need of loving homes.

Behind the Scene

Special Stories of Special Cats Your Support Helps


Tax deductible donations and gifts of goods to help run the refuge are always welcome.

Cat of the Week: Alton

Alton came to the Goathouse Refuge in 2008 as part of a family of farm cats rescued a mile down the road from the Refuge. He was the cat the owner of the farm said would be the hardest to bring in because he was so “shy.”

Well, Alton is shy no more. He is one of the sweetest cats you will ever meet. He loves attention and is always looking for a head and back rub. If, by chance, you pass him by without any attention, he’ll kindly remind you that he’s here and ready to be petted by meowing loudly and looking up at you with eyes as sweet as sugar.

Alton is a handsome white and black cat with a cute little smudge on his nose. This easy-going fellow loves his cat friends and would be happiest in a home where he has other cats to lounge around with. Alton was two years old in June 2010.

Come meet him! We guarantee that you will fall in love with this little guy.

See more photos of Alton.

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