
The Goathouse Refuge has many incredible cats in need of loving homes.

Behind the Scene

Special Stories of Special Cats Your Support Helps


Tax deductible donations and gifts of goods to help run the refuge are always welcome.

Back in Black – the national campaign dedicated to finding great homes for black cats

Back in Black Adoption LogoAnyone who has ever shared his or her life with a black cat (or dog) knows what a wonderful pet it can be. Yet, as gorgeous, charming and devoted as they are, black dogs and cats often wait longer for adoptive homes than their lighter-colored pals.

“All of us in animal rescue know that black cats routinely get overlooked by potential adopters,” said Siglinda Scarpa, executive director of the Goathouse Refuge here.

So, through November, the Goathouse Refuge will hold a “Back in Black” promotion to highlight these adorable — and adoptable — black cats and kittens, and will offer a special $25 discount on the first 75 adoptions (normally $100, but only $75 in November).

We have 25 black cats and 18 black kittens who would LOVE to find homes in November. Perhaps with you? Seven are sponsored which means their adoption fee is already paid in full. Here are a few of our sponsored black cats…that means their adoption fees are paid!









For the third year, the national animal welfare organization Best Friends Animal Society will be supporting the Goathouse Refuge and more than 175 other local animal rescue groups and municipal shelters across the country with this special adoption program.

Many famous leaders favor black pets. During World War II, U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt had a black dog, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had a black cat — both of whom sat in on all of their strategic meetings.

The promotion is part of the mission of the Best Friends Animal Society to stop the killing of animals in the nation’s animal shelters. Every day, approximately 9,000 pets are killed because they don’t have homes.

Can’t adopt right now? How about sponsoring one of our other black cats or kittens?

Please come visit us and perhaps meet your new best friend. Visiting hours are noon to 3:30 p.m. every day of the year, at 680 Alston Road, just off NC Highway 87, about three miles north of Pittsboro.

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