An Urgent Appeal
Posted May 25, 2023
Friends and family of Goathouse, you know us, you know our work and care for the kitties.
Well, today we received the Candid Gold Seal of Transparency on GuideStar!
Hello there,
Congratulations. You’ve earned a Candid Gold Seal of Transparency on GuideStar!
Candid | 32 Old Slip, 24 floor | New York, NY 10005
Our wings are pinned down because of lack of funds! Raising money for the need of the kitties has become almost impossible! I am asking to all of you, to PLEASE, help us to keep doing our work! We need to pay for food, $1800 every 15 days, litter,$700 every week, cleaning supplies $400 every week, propane gas $2000 x month now that we don’t have to use it for heat, but we still need hot water and the industrial dryer for laundry. Electricity $438 x month, telephone 138 x month, HughesNet (internet) $222,13 x month, Garbage service $771….. Then we have a big bill that varies every month, $4000 with our Vets, every month, for visits and, surgeries and some dental surgeries, plus all the prescribed medications who varies all the time. We also have 10 employees, they work, very hard, from 7AM to 4PM to administer medications, feed the kitties, keep them and their home spotless for their health and so our Refuge can always be clean and inviting for your visits… $7800 x week.
PLEASE, PLEASE, HELP US!!!! We would not ask if we didn’t have to. Thank you for your generosity and support!
Best wishes,