
The Goathouse Refuge has many incredible cats in need of loving homes.

Behind the Scene

Special Stories of Special Cats Your Support Helps


Tax deductible donations and gifts of goods to help run the refuge are always welcome.

AmazonSmile Program Ending Feb. 20, 2023

Hello Goathouse Friends!
For all of you AmazonSmile customers, you probably received an email today letting you know that sadly that program is going away February 20th and non-profits like the Goathouse Refuge will no longer be able to benefit. Over the years due to wonderful supporters like you who chose the Goathouse as your designated organization, the Goathouse would receive $1000-$2000 each quarter, and a total of $20,640.94 over all the years combined. This was a wonderful bonus to help us with food, litter, medicine, etc. and we thank you all so much!
If you have any shopping to do on Amazon, please do it before Feb. 20 through AmazonSmile so that we can get one last bonus to help our kitties at the Goathouse. ? Thanks so much!
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