Nikolai in the Independent Weekly
Posted August 08, 2010
Check out the article about our very own Nikolai in the Independent Weekly’s “Dog Days of Summer” issue. It’s on page 17 of the August 4th print edition and also on the web here.
Thanks so much to the folks at The Indy for asking the Goathouse to be part of their annual pet issue.
Here’s hoping that someone “meets” Nikolai, falls in love with him, and takes him home!
Nikolai was adopted! His new family read the article in The Indy and came to the Refuge to meet him. Yay!
Here is a “happy tails” message from Nikolai’s new family:
“Nikolai is feeling right at home now it seems. He and [cat] Ceasar are getting along pretty well, despite the occasional spat. They play together and chase each other around the house. Their newest game is for Ceasar to “hide” in the cat tunnel and jump out at Nikolai…sometimes that move is lost on Nikolai if he’s not looking at the tunnel 🙂 [One-year-old] Jude loves our new fluffy white cat. At first Nikolai was a bit wary of her (she’s a little more forward than he’s used to), but he rubs on her and she pets him without incident. Nikolai is a great addition to our family and we couldn’t be happier!”